The Villa Reale in Monza

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The Villa Reale was built by Maria Teresa of Austria as a summer resort for her son Ferdinand of Hapsburg, governor of Lombardy.

The location was chosen for its natural beauty and strategic position, along the main route between Milan and Vienna.

The imperial architect Giuseppe Piermarini was tasked with the design of the mansion, that had to be neoclassical. He was inspired both by the traditional sobriety of Lombard mansion and the lavish and rich majesty of the Reggia di Caserta, where he worked as an apprentice to Luigi Vanvitelli.

At the first floor there are the many representative chambers of the royal family, among which the ballroom, the tapestry room, the throne room and the bird room stand out for elegance and value.

The second floor is reserved for the private chambers of the guests, the floor is accessed by the grand scalone d’onore, a blazing marble structure.

The tour of the palace is concluded with the so called Belvedere, the last floor from where it is possible to admire the surrounding park, a lush green space for the city, in all its peaceful glory.