Baroque Milan: The pinnacle of art during the Borromeo period between 1500 and 1600

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During the XVI and XVII centuries Milan suffers from foreign rule, plagues and droughts. During this dramatic period two cardinals, Carlo Borromeo and his cousin Federico, bring a new light to the city. They renovate the interest in cultural studies across the city, founding famous cultural institutions and providing answers to the needs of the city.
Both of them promote the building of new places of worship, designed following the strict instructions of the Concilio di Trento, making the heart of Milan shine from the new Baroque shapes.


  • Chiesa di San Fedele: the first bright example of Tridentine art in Milan
  • Chiesa di San Bernardino alle Ossa: the grim bony walls illuminated by the vibrant colors of the vault
  • Chiesa di Sant’Antonio Abate: the blaze of gold and decoration
  • Chiesa di Sant’Alessandro in Zebedia: the opening of multidirectional spaces

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